The Upper West Side is home to a tremendous diversity of tefillah (prayer). Shaare Zedek and Kehilat Hadar came together in part because we are both committed to offering a full-liturgy in Hebrew, lay-led, and fully egalitarian service in which men and women participate equally.

Together, Shaare Zedek and Kehilat Hadar organize weekly Shabbat morning services at Schechter Manhattan (805 Columbus Avenue, with entrance on W. 100th Street) beginning at 9:00 AM during winter hours and at 9:30 AM during Daylight Saving Time. These services are followed by kiddush, sponsored by our community members.

Community members have the option to choose from four available siddurim: Sim Shalom, Birnbaum, Koren-Sacks, and Silverman. The shaliach tzibur (prayer leader) may use any of these siddurim when leading services, and a hand-out with page numbers for all key points in the service is available to help people find their place.

On occasion, we will organize joint Friday night services, especially during winter hours when children can more easily be included.

On a few Shabbat mornings of the year, Shaare Zedek will organize our own services, separate from Kehilat Hadar. Shaare Zedek also separately offers weekly Shabbat afternoon mincha, seudah shlishit, and ma’ariv, as well as morning Yom Tov/festival services, which will take place at Schechter Manhattan unless otherwise noted. 

Information about scheduled services will always be available on our homepage and communicated through our weekly luach newsletter.

Please read more about children’s programming here.