Join the celebration! The Upper West Side's synagogues, schools, and Jewish organizations are coming together for a neighborhood-wide celebration of Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israel's Independence Day. The UWS Celebrates Israel is powered by the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan and the UWS Celebrates Israel Coalition and made possible by UJA-Federation.
Our own Rabbi Jonah Geffen and SZ member Hadas Fischer will be taking part in the Urban Beit Midrash from 1:00 to 2:00 pm @ The Street Fair. They will be presenting a hevruta-style learning of texts from the Jewish tradition and contemporary Israeli writers contemplating the experience and meaning of living in the city.
Pre-registration for ticketed events is strongly encouraged.
Limited walk-in availability on the day of the event.
All programs will take place at Peter Norton Symphony Space
(2537 Broadway at 95th Street)